The price is for 1 person in a double room:
(There may be a price difference due to hotel and date change).
Payment is accepted in manat according to the exchange rate of the day.
We can also provide other hotel offers upon request.
For more information and reservation, please call the following contact numbers or write + sign in the comment section.
There may be a price difference due to the change of date and hotel.
If you want to get more information, you can call the following contact numbers or put a “+” sign in the comment section.
Tel.: (012) 465 59 27
(055) 228 82 44 (Wp) Fidan
(055) 322 41 03 (Wp) Farida
(055) 300 56 72 (Wp) Roza
(055) 300 56 82 (Wp) Fargana
(055) 322 28 40 (Wp) Fatima
(055) 457 04 76 (Wp) Fargana
Fatali Khan Khoyski 166B (next to AZALEA flower shop)
Direct – @owltourismstudy
Note: Our office operates 7 days a week.
Flight ticket
8 kg hand luggage
Tour Plan
First day
Tourists are met at the airport and taken to the hotel reserved for them.
Last day
They are waiting for tourists in front of the hotel reception. Then they transfer to the airport.
Tour Map
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